Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Raise my Teen 2 Age 12

Raise my Teen 2 Age 12

Q Describe your parenting style with your virtual teen. In what ways are your parenting styles influenced by how you were raised, and in what ways are they influenced by the research described in your book? Has your parenting style changed or been challenged as you raised your child? You will also need to include 2 research articles that support your answers to each discussion question. You can access articles through the UHD Library website and locate the PsycInfo database. I will provide more detailed instructions on BBLearn. See syllabus for due dates

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I think that my parenting style has changed a little as my virtual teen has become 12 years old. Now my virtual teen’s focus is more on her looks as my virtual teen is a female. According to Eun et al. (2018), it is important for female teens to be conscious about the way they look from the age of 12 years because they do not want to be socially rejected by males for their looks and appearances.